Can You Name Ten Things That Make You Happiest In Life?
Here's my list... PLEASE leave yours. 1) Flemington, New Jersey 2) My pets/Animals 3) Love 4) My career 5) Cozy things such as my bedroom, ect 6) Tattoos 7) Germany/My Heritage 8) Ponds 9) Winter/Snow 10) Money & Shopping Online (HORRIBLE, I know...)
Other - Beauty & Style - 9 Answers
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1 :
1. Jesus 2.friends 3. movies 5. traveling yea, those are my top 5 ;}
2 :
1. my immediate family. 2. my dog. 3. music. 4. the love<3 *sometimes :) 5. my cell phone. 6. running track. 7. muffin *buildabear. 8. myspace!just kidding. 9. my wii. / guitar hero. 10. fooood.
3 :
Jesus My secret luver bubble bath CHRIS BROWN!!!!! my dog lacy friends FUZZY PILLOWS talkin about mi secret luver shopping socks
4 :
1 family 2 friends 3 love 4 boyfriend 5 my house 6 childhood memories 7 priceless things such as spending time with people u love 8 pets 9 my 1st home 10 money :S lol
5 :
1. my relationship with Jesus 2. my children grandchildren pets and feeding birds a meal my family really loves and watching them eat it all up and begging for the leftovers to take home 6.playing with my camera and my photo stuff on my computer 7my friends 8.putting on my pj's on a cold night and doing nothing at all 9 working in my yard in the summer time 10money and buying things for other people they didn't expect
6 :
God My Family My Children My Husband My Home My Photographs Smiles Shopping My car Myself
7 :
1) family 2) friends 3) riding my pony! 4) having fun - nights out with the girls! 5) Hong Kong/my heritage 6)boyzz! especially my bf! 7) food! lol 8) curling up on the couch with hot chocolate, my duvet and a great movie 9) my "materialistic" things - clothes, shoes, make up, bags, laptop, cell phone etc.. 10) music and of course every girl loves SHOPPPPPING!!
8 :
1. Christanity 2.friends 6.clothes home 8.famous amos cookies 9.volleyball 10.dancing
9 :
Megan<3 Reed Family Friends Skating Blueberry Waffles Being a kid My kitties Food Nice cozy blankets
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Thursday, November 14, 2013
What kind of aid are other countries providing?
What kind of aid are other countries providing?
It is nice to see that ordinary or rich(hard working)people give donations to much needed causes like this. But why do we have to give? Our governments have the money to provide, they have plenty of food surplus available. Just look at the statistics. We are definitely being over taxed and that over taxation needs to go to the people in those countries in poverty. The world pays billions and billions to kill people and to provide for their interests, why dont they spend it on saving lives? Sadaam killed a few hundred or a few thousand but in Africa I saw 600,000 bodies floating in the river and we did little to help that. I am also sick and tired of getting stuff in the mail from organizations that continue to need donations for this and that, especially for cancer. I had cancer in 1980 and the physicians said a cure would be available 10 years from that date. Everything is about trying to get money from the people actually need the money to make a good living, and to get additional media attention to the people that have the money to travel all around the country. Money money money...what happened to our real hearts. By the way I thank Walter Reed Army Medical Center and the VA Hospital at Loma Linda(doctors, nurses, all staff) for curing my cancer(like Lance Armstrong's) when I was stationed in Germany in 1979. To this date I still do not have an answer on how I got this cancer but a doctor in Germany said it was common over there....WHAT!? Finally, security is a very good thing and we should do all means posssible to support this as long as our freedom and our own privacy is not violated (the Constitution). Keep up the good work, and I thank you so much CHER for getting better helments for the troops(god bless them).
Kenya - 1 Answers
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1 :
When aid goes to a country like Kenya (since you asked in the Kenyan section), very few benefit from it. There's so much going on out there (In Africa) and very few out here care. (That's the truth) I lost all hope on those save this save that organizations when I saw a documentary on how some American Doctor working with Cancer research went to India and got the doctors there to tell the sufferers that they had a new drug and it was free all they had to do was sign a document. (These people were illiterate) Turns out that they were actually doing experiments with these drugs and many continue to die needlessly due to this. It's good that they exposed this thing in India but nobody exposes what happens in Africa. Richer countries dump their waste (unfit for human use) in these countries and since the people there are so loving and accommodating, so gullible they don't really get to know what hit them until it does. One time they showed how Benson and Hedges was aiming their free cigarette try outs at the youth (from 12 year olds) in Gabon. What is unacceptable in their country they take to the African Nations. I personally feel bitter about the situation in Africa. Nothing is stopping Africa but Africa itself. The day we all realize this as Africans, stop relying on what others dictate to us and really care about our own, we will have a new dawn.
It is nice to see that ordinary or rich(hard working)people give donations to much needed causes like this. But why do we have to give? Our governments have the money to provide, they have plenty of food surplus available. Just look at the statistics. We are definitely being over taxed and that over taxation needs to go to the people in those countries in poverty. The world pays billions and billions to kill people and to provide for their interests, why dont they spend it on saving lives? Sadaam killed a few hundred or a few thousand but in Africa I saw 600,000 bodies floating in the river and we did little to help that. I am also sick and tired of getting stuff in the mail from organizations that continue to need donations for this and that, especially for cancer. I had cancer in 1980 and the physicians said a cure would be available 10 years from that date. Everything is about trying to get money from the people actually need the money to make a good living, and to get additional media attention to the people that have the money to travel all around the country. Money money money...what happened to our real hearts. By the way I thank Walter Reed Army Medical Center and the VA Hospital at Loma Linda(doctors, nurses, all staff) for curing my cancer(like Lance Armstrong's) when I was stationed in Germany in 1979. To this date I still do not have an answer on how I got this cancer but a doctor in Germany said it was common over there....WHAT!? Finally, security is a very good thing and we should do all means posssible to support this as long as our freedom and our own privacy is not violated (the Constitution). Keep up the good work, and I thank you so much CHER for getting better helments for the troops(god bless them).
Kenya - 1 Answers
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1 :
When aid goes to a country like Kenya (since you asked in the Kenyan section), very few benefit from it. There's so much going on out there (In Africa) and very few out here care. (That's the truth) I lost all hope on those save this save that organizations when I saw a documentary on how some American Doctor working with Cancer research went to India and got the doctors there to tell the sufferers that they had a new drug and it was free all they had to do was sign a document. (These people were illiterate) Turns out that they were actually doing experiments with these drugs and many continue to die needlessly due to this. It's good that they exposed this thing in India but nobody exposes what happens in Africa. Richer countries dump their waste (unfit for human use) in these countries and since the people there are so loving and accommodating, so gullible they don't really get to know what hit them until it does. One time they showed how Benson and Hedges was aiming their free cigarette try outs at the youth (from 12 year olds) in Gabon. What is unacceptable in their country they take to the African Nations. I personally feel bitter about the situation in Africa. Nothing is stopping Africa but Africa itself. The day we all realize this as Africans, stop relying on what others dictate to us and really care about our own, we will have a new dawn.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Is it against the law to sell soft drinks at a garage sale?
Is it against the law to sell soft drinks at a garage sale?
I am having a garage sale next weekend and before I go out and buy a bunch of coke and sprite, I want to know if it is okay for me to sell soft drinks at a concession stand at my garage sale. I live in Germany and I think it may not be okay to sell US drinks to the Germans in my village. If not, is there anything that I am allowed to sell? I would love to make some extra money next weekend.
Personal Finance - 3 Answers
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1 :
I'm not sure about another country. I live in Florida, USA and to do a garage sale we need to get a permit at our City Hall. I would say ask some city/village authority that way you can have a garage sale free of problems. Hope it goes well!!
2 :
No one in either the US or Germany is going to care if you sell a few sodas one weekend. Law enforcement agencies have bigger fish to fry than that.
3 :
As long as you are selling unopened cans or bottles you are OK. You'll need a health department permit (and likely a food hander license) if you pour soda into cups from another container.
I am having a garage sale next weekend and before I go out and buy a bunch of coke and sprite, I want to know if it is okay for me to sell soft drinks at a concession stand at my garage sale. I live in Germany and I think it may not be okay to sell US drinks to the Germans in my village. If not, is there anything that I am allowed to sell? I would love to make some extra money next weekend.
Personal Finance - 3 Answers
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1 :
I'm not sure about another country. I live in Florida, USA and to do a garage sale we need to get a permit at our City Hall. I would say ask some city/village authority that way you can have a garage sale free of problems. Hope it goes well!!
2 :
No one in either the US or Germany is going to care if you sell a few sodas one weekend. Law enforcement agencies have bigger fish to fry than that.
3 :
As long as you are selling unopened cans or bottles you are OK. You'll need a health department permit (and likely a food hander license) if you pour soda into cups from another container.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Is it against the law to sell soft drinks at a garage sale?
Is it against the law to sell soft drinks at a garage sale?
I am having a garage sale next weekend and before I go out and buy a bunch of coke and sprite, I want to know if it is okay for me to sell soft drinks at a concession stand at my garage sale. I live in Germany and I think it may not be okay to sell US drinks to the Germans in my village. If not, is there anything that I am allowed to sell? I would love to make some extra money next weekend.
Buying & Selling - 2 Answers
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1 :
Wrong section, You'll get accurate answers in its proper category.
2 :
Who, exactly, do you think would catch you ? The soft drink police ? The garage sale police ? If you think you can sell it, do it. I wouldn't worry about consequences. Of course, Im the kind of guy that doesn't let government interfere with what I want to do if at all possible.
I am having a garage sale next weekend and before I go out and buy a bunch of coke and sprite, I want to know if it is okay for me to sell soft drinks at a concession stand at my garage sale. I live in Germany and I think it may not be okay to sell US drinks to the Germans in my village. If not, is there anything that I am allowed to sell? I would love to make some extra money next weekend.
Buying & Selling - 2 Answers
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1 :
Wrong section, You'll get accurate answers in its proper category.
2 :
Who, exactly, do you think would catch you ? The soft drink police ? The garage sale police ? If you think you can sell it, do it. I wouldn't worry about consequences. Of course, Im the kind of guy that doesn't let government interfere with what I want to do if at all possible.
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