Money thing...?
hi im 10 and trying to afford a trip to germany with my brother and i need money for it, whats a good money making thing?
Personal Finance - 3 Answers
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1 :
Your too young to work sorry
2 :
Since you're only 10 and too young to get a job out in the work world, I would recommend talking to your parents about possible jobs you can do around the house. You could set a dollar amount for each job. For example: Vaccuum the house for $3, wash a car for $5, set the table every night for $3 a week, etc. Depending on how well you know your neighbors, you could talk to them about helping out with their chores too. If your parents see you're really serious about saving money for your trip, perhaps they'd be willing to match however much you save. Good luck, enjoy your trip!
3 :
You can get a paper route, or do extra chores around the house if your earn an allowance. Fall is coming up, so you can rake leaves for your neighbors. As you start to earn money have your parents assist you with opening a savings acct to put the money in and you can yearn some interest on it. Plus this way it will be out of sight out of mind and you'll have a better chance of actually saving it and not spending it on candy or toys, or games.... Good luck I hope you can make your trip.