Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Why does America in 2011 remind me of being in Germany in 1935?

Why does America in 2011 remind me of being in Germany in 1935?
There are so many parallels between the US now and Germany in the early 30's. The Nazi secret police, otherwise known as the Gestapo, were Hitler's police officers who needed no type or warrant or reason to arrest you. They could use forceful entry into your home and arrest you for no reason at all. Hmmm... sounds pretty familiar with what Obama wants legalized for our police officers. When HItler came into power in Nazi Germany he put a ban on personal weapons, another parallel with what our version of Adolf Hitler (Obama) is trying to implement on us. Hitler youth camps were where little children were sent to learn the ways of Nazi Germany and pledge allegience to Hitler, Obama's version of speaking to young kids through their schools. Why doesn't he do this to colleges? Because he knows that college students can think for themselves and many are tired of his bs because they are seeing that when they get out of school they either have no job to go to or they aren't making any money. So I think there are plenty of parallels to the US and Nazi Germany in the 1930's. It really bothers me that people can sit back and actually praise this man for the "great" job he's doing. He is ruining this country every minute and people still think he's great. I don't get it!!! Get over the fact that he's the first BLACK president (if you want to be african move back to africa; you live here you're american... we're all equal right?) and look at the job he's doing.... He will be the reason that this country has its downfall!
Politics - 10 Answers
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1 :
Tea Party. Death threats on the President are higher now than in recorded history. If you don't think his race has anything to do with it you should get your head examined. That is the right wing agenda, divide the people so the state and corporations can be in complete control.
2 :
Because you are only seeing what you want to see. I suggest that you cut back on the caffiene and get a life.
3 :
Your right. The first thing Obama wanted to do is create his own army, because he said he did not trust our armed forces. He called it a civilian army, then he has been fighting to remove gun rights since the day he took office. Don't be surprised if we don't enter into a state of emergency before Obama leaves office.
4 :
Obama is a disaster, but still has many totally blind followers...
5 :
Oh how you do go on
6 :
Quite the troll, aren't you?
7 :
No but you forget it was republicans that made it possible through the "patriot" act! BTW--This is nothing but biased rant!
8 :
Some of this is true, but consider the following. The economy in Germany was far better than the American economy if you are going to try and make this kind of comparison. In this regard, the German economy under National Socialist Party and Adolph Hitler was far superior than the Democratic administration under Obama, which is suffering a catastrophic meltdown. Germany was going through an economic rebound from the collapse from when Adolph Hitler took over from 1933-1935. What has transpired since Obama took over?
9 :
Your exactly right. Nazi Germany was able to give it's citizens state funded vacations because of the spoils they stole from other nations. Sounds a lot like what libs would like our government to do to the rich.
10 :
And yet it is the republican idol Donal Trump that thinks that when we go to war we should nationalize a foreign countries assets and resources like his comments about taking the oil in countries we defeat, perhaps if that is the case you and your right wing friends would care to include the foreign populous to that thought and create work camps like the nazi's and use the population in that manner until the right wing decides our nation has been compensated enough put a sign ore the camp entrance "Arbeit Macht Frei " _ or work makes one free, that sounds like something the Republicans and Trump and you could all get behind.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Why does America in 2011 remind me of Nazi Germany in 1931?

Why does America in 2011 remind me of Nazi Germany in 1931?
There are so many parallels between the US now and Germany in the early 30's. The Nazi secret police, otherwise known as the Gestapo, were Hitler's police officers who needed no type or warrant or reason to arrest you. They could use forceful entry into your home and arrest you for no reason at all. Hmmm... sounds pretty familiar with what Obama wants legalized for our police officers. When HItler came into power in Nazi Germany he put a ban on personal weapons, another parallel with what our version of Adolf Hitler (Obama) is trying to implement on us. Hitler youth camps were where little children were sent to learn the ways of Nazi Germany and pledge allegience to Hitler, Obama's version of speaking to young kids through their schools. Why doesn't he do this to colleges? Because he knows that college students can think for themselves and many are tired of his bs because they are seeing that when they get out of school they either have no job to go to or they aren't making any money. So I think there are plenty of parallels to the US and Nazi Germany in the 1930's. It really bothers me that people can sit back and actually praise this man for the "great" job he's doing. He is ruining this country every minute and people still think he's great. I don't get it!!! Get over the fact that he's the first BLACK president (if you want to be african move back to africa; you live here you're american... we're all equal right?) and look at the job he's doing.... He will be the reason that this country has its downfall!
Politics - 31 Answers
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1 :
It is because you do not know anything about history. During the Night of the Long Knives Hitler ordered the death of the SA's leadership and others who had opposed Hitler in Nazi Germany. He also launched a propaganda campaign demonizing the Jewish scapegoats and glorifying the Germanic Aryan race. The Nazis expelled Jews and imposed forced migration. Hitler later adopted his Final Solution. State-sanctioned anti-Semitism and persecution gave way to liquidation squads and concentration camps. The Nazi leaders developed intricate programs to capture and kill Jews, Gypsies, Slavs and homosexuals in factories of mass destruction. While the estimate that the Holocaust claimed the lives of 6 million Jews is well known, historians also estimate that, the Nazis exterminated an additional 5-6 million non-Jews. Now what did Obama do again?
2 :
blame the gringos they hate us Latinos
3 :
If we're so terrible that you see it necessary to compare us to the Third Reich, why don't you take advantage of the right and liberty to get the f*ck out? and a fun fact for you. Germany was not "Nazi Germany" in 1931. The chancellor of Germany at the time was Heinrich Brüning of Germany's Centre Party. Hitler had yet to take control of the country.
4 :
Oh, I got a video for you too:
5 :
Diane, were your parents related, I mean before they got married?
6 :
If that were true then why do the Republicans still exist?
7 :
I bet it's because you watched one too many youtube videos. Another parallel - it snowed a lot this winter in Washington DC. Know where else it snowed a lot? That's right, Berlin 1938. That one makes as much sense.
8 :
No 0bama hate jews as much as hitler did.
9 :
Because they have become in an imperialist monster, who wants domination above anything else, and who is acting desperately to keep ideals that are remote. The problem is Capitalism, its superior phase is Imperialism, and also they have race supremacy over other races in their country, even if they want to ignore it, it's all over the news, especially since Obama released his birth certificate, yahoo news said the problem was discrimination against him due to white supremacy in the U.S!
10 :
Because you're a partisan hack who knows nothing about history!
11 :
you're off your meds again?
12 :
I'm sorry, which party is currently attempting to limit voting rights & pass unconstitutional laws to keep people from voting & running for office? Now I by no means support the democratic party, BUT, it is the Republicans that are selling elected positions in local bankrupt governments, thus taking away the citizens the right to choose their leaders in those communities.
13 :
I don't see any scapegoats yet.
14 :
republicans worry me sometimes
15 :
I love you.
16 :
Because Obama is a totalitarian extremist like Hitler.
17 :
"The problem with the internet is that you can pretty much say anything and somebody will believe it" - Abraham Lincoln
18 :
Have fun tonight because the way you like dropping the N bomb you wont be here tomorrow .
19 :
pretty amazing fellow isn't he? the first jewish muslim communist nazi the world has ever known. is this rant because he won't answer all those love letters you keep sending?
20 :
I used to wonder how Bush was reelected in 2004...
21 :
One has to wonder how you got so stupid. Or are you just exhibiting the typical traits of the core base of Republican voters? If so. Your doing a fine job. All Republicans with a brain should be proud.
22 :
Nazis didn't take power until 1933. Such a cute little rant wasted........ LOL!
23 :
I find the similarities disturbing. Almost as disturbing as the false statements in your little rant.
24 :
Ok, to start, as of 1931, Germany was ruled by the Wiemar Republic, and Hindenburg was president, with Hitler receiving only 35% of the vote. Now that we've established that the basis of your question is wrong, let's get to the rest. Hitler did not put a ban on personal weapons. He encouraged the use of the them in organizations such as the SA, a sort of civilian army that he used as his own police force. Next, he does talk to college students. One of his largest base of supporters in the 2008 primaries and elections were the college kids. The amount of people in the Iowa caucus went up nearly 1,000 from the college students he reached out to. Also, you say he is ruining our country, and then compare him to Adolf Hitler (thus invoking Godwin's law). Hitler was a horrible man who did horrible things, but he also single-handedly seized control of the German government (legally), brought them out of the Great Depression, threw off the Treaty of Versailles, and then proceeded to conquer all of Europe, and bits of Africa. Please try research next time.
25 :
The funny thing is.. Obama and Hitler had songs sung for them by little children. Which living leaders that we can see today get that praise?
26 :
Seriously...look at her other questions. This troll is the best yet. But the real question is how long Diane's lame trolling account will last?
27 :
scary isn't a lot of ppl praised Hitler too and could not see how evil he was and yes it does seem like history is repeating it self . but you know it wont be the jews this time it will be conservatives tea party ppl that well be gassed this time . all we can hope for is that Obama will be a one term president . and for gods sake americans better hang on to there guns because it may be our only defense against this Hitler wanna be. and if you believe in god pray
28 :
diane,because it is.obama is taking the minds of our youth.and leading into a sort of army.they already have NO respect for there parents or seniors.will turn them in in a second for any wrong doing against the system.he is bullying what ever he wants through with out going through the proper channels.his next title.canceler.will cause fear on any one who opposes him.end result a dictator.with no america to oppose him and his cronies.note: mr wolf take your sheep's clothing off.
29 :
Why does America in 2011 remind me of Nazi Germany in 1931? Reminds you. So you were actually there? National Bolshevik If that were true then why do the Republicans still exist? Lol. A bolshevik calling people fascist. That's the pot calling the kettle black.
30 :
The Nazis didn't assume full power until 1933.
31 :
i dont think u can pin the downfall of the entire country on one person or even a specific political party, thats intellectually dishonest and everyone knows it. i do believe a comparison to pre-hitler germany in the final years of it being a free society is fitting though, since we are seeing the exact same steps being taken to close down our free society today. author naomi wolf wrote about this at great length in her book "the end of america" which you can listen to important chunks of for free on youtube im sure. i know i wouldn't click any links posted here, so i won't waste time getting you one.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

does copyright infringement prevent youtube partnerships?

does copyright infringement prevent youtube partnerships? i put up this video and youtube picked up on its copyright. it said it cant be played in germany and that they are going to advertise on the video to make up for it. im nowhere near it but, if i were to ever be able to get a youtube partnership, would this make me illegible? i would think it would, but since they are making money off the advertisement then does that make up for the copyright?
YouTube - 1 Answers
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1 :
it effects partnership you cant get accepted with copyrighted content

Thursday, May 1, 2014

What are some fun fundraising ideas?

What are some fun fundraising ideas?
I need to make some extra money to go on a trip to England, France, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, and Switzerland. It is expensive to go. So I need to make some extra money. Thanks!
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
Sell Peanut Brittle.