11-14 year olds who want to earn money online?
Okay, I've seen loads of things about 11-14 year olds who want to make money online but can't because they are too old. I'm 13 and thought if every 11-14 year old worked to together and used paypal we could find away that everyone makes money. The requirements are : You are in years 7 - 10 in the U.K. You are 11 - 14 in America You are in years 6 - 9 in Germany and so on. If everyone combined worked together online we could start a big business. What do you think? No unhelpful comments please http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080202074021AATasMD&pa=FYd1D2bwHTHzJLtvEuwzQ5mOHwKAg3K0NK1y6gd7qDvw5g--&paid=asked&msgr_status= It's about a Yahoo group
Primary & Secondary Education - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
im 14 in uk. can i still do it?
3 :
for aussie teens ages 13 and beyond... ud ont earn money but for an extra gift every once and while i found this good and its not just for young old can use it too www.emailcash.com.au and u can earn cash cheques as well but id prefer getting gifts from the auction from earning my points from doing surveys
4 :
Well im 14, in y9 in school. Live in England. I recently earnt £23 from a survey site, althought it took a very long time to get.