Is it true that a lot of the Germans are upset about Greece?
Are germans mad about Greece. I could see them being mad because it lowers the value of the euro. Do they want greece kicked out of the EU. Or does Germany ever have a plan to drop the euro and make there own money again. Germany has the power to drop the euro why dont they. They might be better of without the euro. What do you think
Politics - 5 Answers
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1 :
Yes. Because a part of their currency relies on their productivity.
2 :
Why should they be? They were stupid enough to want the 'Euro", they get what they deserve. Germany better get used to bailing out dumb a$$ countries becasue this is just the beginning. See what happens when we all "share". hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa
3 :
Who cares about the Germans, or the Greeks
4 :
Good points. Germany is the least unsuccessful State in Europe (and not surprisingly, the least socialist) They should break the trend and get out of the Euro so Britain can get in!
5 :
Yes, as they are providing the bulk of the bail-out finance. Germany has already pumped an enormous amount of wealth into the former East Germany, and now this is another crisis not of their own making they are lumbered with. However, the bail-out is still the least bad option, as having Greece go bankrupt would be much, much worse as that would affect not just the Eurozone, but the wider European and world financial markets.. Hence even many non-Euro countries are contributing to the bail-out with credit lines, to try and spread the burden. I doubt if anyone wants to drop the Euro as there are also many benefits. While many countries have a few tough years ahead because of the recent recession, Greece was eceptionally badly hit because of years of finanial mismanagement. The rest of Eurozone isn't in nearly as bad a state. If anything, there is talk about ejecting Greece from it, though that would just shift the problem outside rather than solve it. Having Greece as a bankrupt basket case would be a really bad idea, as nobody wants that sort of neighbour. Organised crime and terrorists coudl become endemic, and mass migration would be a problem. Better to sort it out, and the strings attached to the bail-out are the best way to enforce that.