Why is everything more expensive in Germany?
I am moving to America from Germany next year and I am very excited. I visited there for one year as student and love everything about America! Everything is big and there is much more opportunity to get job and make much money. It is unbelievable how much cheaper things are in America. Petrol costs $2.58 USD per gallon but here in Germany it costs roundabout $7.18 USD per gallon! Also milk costs $2.99 USD per gallon in America but $5.60 USD per gallon here! I found one computer of the same model everything the same here in Germany it cost $2 200 USD but in America only $1 050 USD and a full DVD sound system from BOSE cost $3 480 USD in Germany and only $1 199 USD! That is no mistake. Hello? And people are more happy in America and friendly! Everyone in stores say sorry when we have accident but not in Germany. Naja. So why is this so? Why does everything cost so much more here in Europa. France it is even worser. Before I came to America I only heard how good it is but now I know!
Immigration - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I don't know why, but WELCOME to the USA! :o)
2 :
I love the USA but don't put Europe down all the way. It has its moments. The history, the culture and definitely the night life is quite nice in Germany. I lived there 31 months and I loved it. I guess the prices are extremely high compared to USA but the life has a very good quality there. I love traveling to Europe when I can. I Cr 13;8a
3 :
Yeah.. it's true.. I had been there two years ago on a family vacation.. I was shocked when I saw the price of the souvenirs that sold in German was more expensive than it was sold in America... I came back to US without nothing I bought for my friends.. I just bought a couple of things for myself.. lol My mom told me to buy the souvenirs in US coz it's cheaper than in German..
4 :
because the USA operates on "true free market" principles- dog eat dog, every man/women for themselves. "cut throat" capitalism. no lazy trade unions artificially pushing up prices! it is great unless you fall off the "rails", there is NO SAFETY NET.most US personal bankruptcies are due to medical expences.GET INSURANCE & keep your fingers crossed!!
5 :
To put it simply American pay slightly less tax but gets a lot less for it, they then have to spend more to get the same services give to Europeans but they can choose whether they want to or not. Each state decides on its sales tax in America and this price difference is also throughout the USA. Most items in American shops do not add Tax to the price until point of purchase, unlike Europe where it is already added. This can add up to 10% on the listed price, this annoys the hell out of me. Europe is more expensive for a few other reasons: - The dollar is extremely weak and as such the Euro is worth more, most corporations try and place prices to similar levels it the currency was equal. - European tax goes to social projects, like health care. Americans pay out a similar amount although it's labelled differently. - Americans have very few employment right compared to Europeans and are paid hire wages to compensate for this. Don't expect things like, Holidays (most employees don't receive a holiday in the first year and then only 5 days in the second), Sick pay, Maternity pay, etc. Lots of states are at will which means they don't even have to give you a valid reason for making you unemployed and were my fiancée work you can be fired for having 5 days of sickness in a year. - Europe funds public transport and road ways. Do not expect to find any public transport that is worth while out side of big cities. Also not all road are in good condition and very few meet with European standards. American shop worker are more polite but they can be sacked for not being so, and people do complain if they haven't met the standard. In most European stores this is seen as more annoying. The European attitude is that you came in to buy a drink not to spend 20 minutes chatting, I still dread it when someone tries to start a conversation as I just want to buy the item. Most Americans see it as the friendliness is part of the experience and it's almost as if they feel cheated if they don't get it. Trust me when you sit down at a resturant and the waitress comes over every five minutes, or a bill is placed on the table before you've finished the starter you'll start to get annoyed. I've even had a waiter ask me when I was planning to pay as he wanted to go home, it was only 9pm and I had only just got the main course.
6 :
I think that the Germany cost more because of its income tax system and the social security tax system for the German citizens' pension and unemployment insurance benefits. A German engineer told me in the 80s: " Our government is stupid but good for the poor (for German nationality only)" after I asked him about social and pension systems in Germany. Further more, the German citizens need to contribute more in the pension plan. If a German workers whose income is at the professional levels, he or she need to pays more. Upon he has completed the full contribution, he can get the full pension for the rest of his life(exactly what is the last month's salary). The American systems in import and export, trading and finance are better than the Germany. The German technicians make up to average of 37 US dollars per hour is slightly higher than the Americans. America is the number one most competitive country in this world is most pertinent answer to your question. That's why everthing is cheaper in the US.
7 :
Try Swiss, like Zurich, it's even higher there
8 :
See my other answer.