If Doctors quit after Health Reform passes because they make less money, aren't they in the wrong business...?
to begin with? For some reason, the rest of the world seems to have more doctors than we, and yet only in our country do we have doctors threaten to quit when they stand to make a little less than cutthroat rates. how come other countries with socialized medicine like the UK, Vietnam, Germany, Canada etc. don't threaten this? Do American doctors need to learn to get less greedy and perhaps learn that if they were just in medicine to make money, they were in the wrong professions to begin with? @Andy: No, I'm just fine making what I need to get by. hard to believe, I know, especially considering you're a conservative, and that's what your entire moral philosophy is based on. @Ted: I hope you're going to back up that claim that Canada loses doctors to the US every year...or are you going to ignore me like a typical conservative?
Politics - 14 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No. They are doctors, not priests. They have houses to pay for and families to support. Do you still live in your mother's house?
2 :
yes they do
3 :
The health care bill will do MORE than just cost doctors money It will prevent them from providing quality care. That is ethically enough to make many quit.
4 :
If we believe Republicans then the only reason anybody is motivated to do anything is money, and naturally the most talented in our society do what they do so they can get the most money.
5 :
They don't really want some sorry excuse for a president telling them what they can and cannot do in their practice or in their job when Obama has no freakin clue what the health care/medical field is really like. Yes, doctors make a lot of money. But they went to college for many years to get where they are at today. And without doctors, people would be losing lives. I work in EMS, emergency medical services. Those doctors in the ER do a hell of a job and work their ass off saving lives. Don't you think they deserve the pay? I don't get paid shit really for what I do, it's because I love to help people. And so do doctors. But they went to school for much longer than I did, and they can handle, see, and do many things that others would not be able to handle, see, or do.
6 :
You wouldn't want to make as much money as possible?
7 :
Doctors that become doctors only for the big paycheck are the biggest problem with high dollar lawsuites to begin with. And right-wingers want to get rid of more accountability with tort reform.
8 :
When the govenrment cuts their payments from Medicare in half (and they're planning to towards the end of the year) to the point where they can't cover their overhead costs and have no choice but to quit, its not their fault. It's the fault of government regulations for creating the artificial conditions forcing them out of business.
9 :
Over 100 Canadian doctors leave Canada every year to work in the United States because there's more money there. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be able to make more money. Doctors from all over the planet flock to the United States, because a good doctor can retire a millionaire there. If you don't understand why people want to make money, you've obviously never had to pay for any necessities out of pocket.
10 :
So let me make a suggestion, you go to college for four years, (on your own dime of course) then go to college some more, then do your residency and of course, spend a fortune paying back the student loans all for a salary that is mediocre. Then, let's talk.
11 :
Um most of my doctors that i've had clearly and obviously aren't in it to Cure the ill and fix the broken. I remember my pediatrician yelled at my mother because she wouldn't let him put me on "new" drugs. Also honestly they treat people on medicare and medicaid like garbage. Oh and as for AIDs and Cancer, if you're rich enough you get cured. Just saying magic johnson P.S I.E (cancer research center only takes big names insurances.) I agree with you a hundred percent, some of them are cold and they say "its a survival strategy" because they're around death constantly. I get it but dang have a little empathy
12 :
You do realize that not all doctors make huge salaries, right? Most primary doctors own their own businesses. They take risk just like any other business owner. There are some rewards to risk. But if you want to spend another 10+ years after high school getting a professional degree, are willing to have someone's life in your hands, are willing to be sued for it if you get it wrong...then maybe you deserve to make a little money.
13 :
well lets so, NO the rest of the world does NOT have more doctors than the US my sister is a MD she gets to start working for real at 31 years old, she was the top of her HS class, she get pre-med done in 2 years instead of 4 and graduated head of her med school class, so after going to school until they are 30-35 and having $500K-$900K in student dept if you think anyone becomes a Dr. for money you have no idea how little most doctors make nor do you understand the cost of school and the fact that it takes half your working life to get it done I know for a fact that canada has "black market" doctors because the waiting lists for "government doctor" is months or years long
14 :
It isn't about making "less" money, it's about making so little money that it makes no sense to keep working. The Democrat plan will likely decrease their income from government insured patients. But their costs will not decrease - they will keep increasing. Many doctors and health care providers limit the number of Medicare patients they have because the low reimbursement rates don't cover the cost of treatment in most cases. Increase the number of covered and decrease the reimbursement rate even more, and now you are asking the doctor to take the loss. And for other countries, such as the UK and Canada, there are far fewer specialists per capita than in the US.